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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to School Food Allergy Summit -Review-

Tonight I have attended the Food Allergy Summit.  There was a lot of good information to be shared with the participants.  We learned more about 504 plans, the newest in Epi Pen Technology, how to deal with school administrators and what is going on in the world of allergy treatment.  The Carolina Cupcakery has also managed to create an Allergy Free Cupcake that has no soy, nuts, peanuts, wheat, gluten, Soy, milk or eggs.  Also the taste was divine.  

There are now automatic EPI pens that talk the user through the steps of how to administer the medication should the need arise.  This is great for teachers and those who are not comfortable with how to use an EPI pen.  This is just the thing you need if your child has a life threatening allergy and there is not always the possibility of teaching everyone how to properly administer the cure.  

504 Plans, I have talked about them before, these are contracts with the school in how to deal with a Childs allergies.  Also the school must provide a safe learning environment for your child.  That includes safe food.  If you have not yet created a 504 plan for your child with Celiac or a life threatening allergy, you should do so as soon as possible.  Since the parent is the expert in the needs of the child, make sure that you have an active part in developing this plan.  

Allergy treatment, there has been a change in the way Doctors are handling some allergies, instead of avoiding the foods that make yourself or your child react, they are trying to work up a tolerance.  Sadly however, this doesn't work for those who have Shellfish allergies or Celiac.  Those allergies work differently than a peanut or tree nut allergy.  At this time the only way to deal with those issues is avoidance of the foods that make you sick. 

There was so much information given out to those who attended.  This may turn into a yearly event, and if it is, I would love to see more of you attend.  There is so much that can be learned from attending something like this.  

Personally, I had a great time; I can’t wait to see what they do with this in the coming years.  

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