Give Aways

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Types of Celiac Disease

Currently there are four types of recognized forms of Celiac.  Each of these forms is only basic and symptoms may vary.  You may have symptoms from one or more of these types.  

First a reminder, Celiac can manifest in a few ways for a sufferer, these are some of the symptoms of classical or typical celiac.  This list was taken from 

·         Autoimmune diseases - This is a disorder which is caused when the body's immune system attacks the tissues causing inflammatory reactions.
·         Digestive Diseases - The digestive diseases in a Celiac disease are esophageal achalasia, duodenal ulcer, fecal incontinence, dysentery and whipple disease.
·         Chronic digestive diseases - This is a disorder which gives rise to continual digestive disorders. Like other disease like Chorn's disease, ulcers and diverticulitis, Celiac Disease is also cause due to continual digestive disorders.
·         Inflammatory bowel disease - This is caused when the immune system of the body attacks the intestine. The digestive disorders are also caused by bowel inflammation.
·         Under diagnosed condition - Some of the types under diagnosed conditions are diabetes, whooping cough, hypertension and many other diseases.
·         Intestinal conditions - Some of the symptoms of intestinal conditions includes watery stools, frequent stools, diarrhea, anorexia and even blood in the stools.

The four basic type of Celiac (currently recognized) are:

Typical:  This shows the above symptoms, this type of Celiac can be found in the blood work and is clear cut, it is easy to diagnose and is what one expect to see in a celiac sufferer. 

Atypical or extraintestinal:  This form does not always attack the intestinal tract.  It also may not show up in blood work.  This may show its self by joint pain, neurological disorders, Fertility issues, pregnancy loss, or blood issues.  I will go into this type more in my next post.  

Silent:  The blood work may show celiac but no symptoms are present.  These people have the damage and the blood results of a typical celiac without any of the outside symptoms.   

Latent: In this form the genetic markers are present, but the disease is un-triggered.  This will show up on genetic tests but not in any other form.  Sufferers of this type of celiac are asymptomatic.  However, they are able to be triggered by an outside force or a traumatic event.  If you have celiac you should have your children tested for the genetic markers.  If these makers are present it would be wise to keep them off of gluten.  This way if or when the disease is triggered there will be little to no damage to the body.