Give Aways

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Gluten Free St. Patrick's Day!

This was supposed to post at 6 this morning and for some reason schedule failed me. I checked in to see how everything was doing and noticed that this post still said draft.   So I am posting this now.  Yes it is a little late for St. Patrick's Day seeing as how it is after five pm.  However, I am not going to let my work go to waste.   

Being gluten free can really suck on holidays such as today.  I looked and there was almost nothing "traditional" that I could eat so I am going to have a hamburger and a baked potato. 

 But wait I could have some forms of traditional food it will just take a lot more time than going out to a pub and enjoying the food pre-made for me.  

Butter Braised Cabbage:

  • 1 small head Savoy or green cabbage
  • 4 Tbsp Water
  • 4 Tbsp. butter (or substitute)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Cut cabbage in quarters, cut out and discard core, and chop cabbage into bite-size pieces.
  2. Melt butter in a large frying pan or sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add cabbage, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and add 4 Tbsp. water. 
  3. Stir to combine, cover, reduce heat to medium-low
  4.  Cook until cabbage is very tender and liquid is absorbed.
  5. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve!
Corned beef is sometimes safe so this can be bought or if you have ten days to cure it or you can use Alton Brown Recipe located Alton Brown corned beef recipe

Irish Mashed Potato's 


  • Potato's (mashed)
  • Onions chopped
  • Carrots chopped
  • Cabbage chopped
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 3 Tbsp Butter
  • 3 Tbsp water 

  1. Make basic no nonsense mashed potatoes and put to the side where they will stay warm
  2.  In a pan melt the butter and add the carrots, onions, and cabbage, and add the water.  Braise these vegetables.  (Cook until tender and the liquid is absorbed.)
  3.   Gently mix into the mashed potatoes and salt and pepper to taste this is much closer to an authentic Irish dish than many of the other I have seen. 
Since there are a ton of Gluten Free Soda Bread recipes out there I will not add my own.  They are all basically the same. 

I hope you have a safe and Happy St. Patrick's day!

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