Give Aways

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

14 Days of Romance -Intro-

Starting February 1st, I will be doing a segment called 14 days of romance.  The idea behind this to that not everyone can afford a fancy dinner out as well as a large gift and flowers or chocolate.  However, you might be able to afford small gestures every day.  Besides, 14 days worth of romance are much better than one large gesture. 

For me personally I enjoy the nice dinner but this year we don't have the money.  I know a lot of you are in the same situation.  However each idea will be $5.00 total or less.  Many will be free things that you can do to show that special person how much you love them.  Since I am keeping them clean, you can do these for a child, friend, parent, loved one or spouse.  These are simple ways every day to let that person know how much they mean to you without breaking the bank.  These ideas will be gluten free of course.  

Also I will be adding to my Gift Guide coming very shortly.  Gluten free ideas for Valentines day and Easter.  If you or a loved one has celiac nothing can take the fun out of a day faster than getting sick.  I will be posting safe and thoughtful gifts in this. 

Please let me know if I can do anything else to help you with your planning for these two events. 

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